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 WikiPotions - WikiView

Wiki Potions

General Information

Potions are one time 'spells' in the Voodoo Wiki pages. This basically comes down to that they are functions defined in PHP and will be executed. Everything between double square brackets ([[) is considered a potion to the Wiki Parser.

Enabling Wiki Potions

Many of the Voodoo Controllers come with Wiki Potions. They need to be enabled in the wiki config file (conf/wiki.ini). To enable a potion open the wiki.ini file and scroll to the [potions] entry. Check to see whether or not the Potion is already present. In case it isn't add a line like this:

${controller_name}_${wiki_potion_name} = On
In case you are adding the WikiPopularBoards potions of the VoodooBulletinBoard controller, you would enter the following line:
Board_WikiPopularBoards = On

Creating Wiki Potions


See also: EngineWiki